Alternative Star Wars Saga
54 BBY

Rise of the Empire era[1]

Approximate dates in other dating systems

Year 3,599[2] After the Treaty of Coruscant (ATC)

Year 946[3] After the Ruusan Reformation

Facts and statistics
Important events

Dana Vash is born[1]

The year 54 before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) was a span of time during the declining days of the Galactic Republic. Dana Vash, a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars, was born in 54 BBY.[1]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 SWFanonLogo "Two new TCO original characters announced," Brandon Rhea's Star Wars Fanon blog
  2. The Treaty of Coruscant was signed in 3,653 BBY. Therefore, the date was derived using simple math.
  3. The Ruusan Reformations occurred in 1,000 BBY. Therefore, the date was derived using simple math.