Alternative Star Wars Saga
15,147 BBY

Old Republic era

Approximate dates in other dating systems

Year 11,494 Before the Treaty of Coruscant (BTC)

Year 14,147 Before the Ruusan Reformation

Facts and statistics

Jedi Bendu Schism


Alora Tabes

Important events

The Order of the Jedi Bendu splits into the Jedi Order and the Bendu Order

The year 15,147 before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) was a period of time that saw a number of fundamental changes in the galaxy. Alora Tabes, who held strong religious beliefs, was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. She helped institute changes in the Order of the Jedi Bendu which caused the Jedi Bendu Schism. This led to the formation of the Jedi Order, which remained in the Republic, as well as the Bendu Order, which fled Republic space due to remaining loyal to the Jedi Bendu traditions.


The Order of the Jedi Bendu was formed thousands of years prior to the establishment of the Galactic Republic, and was known to exist as early as 99,945 BBY. The Jedi Bendu helped establish the Order of the Whills,[1] and was also known to have had a presence on Tatooine at one point.[2]

The galaxy in 15,147 BBY[]


Alora Tabes, the Supreme Chancellor responsible for the Jedi Bendu Schism.

Alora Tabes, a Twi'lek female with strong religious convictions, was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic in 15,147 BBY. Her religious beliefs conflicted with those of the Jedi Bendu, and she felt that she was unable to associate with the Jedi Bendu because of her opposition to their beliefs. The Chancellor, therefore, introduced new religious ideas about philosophy and galactic history into the ranks of the Jedi Bendu, many of whom began to accept her ideas. This caused a split of opinion within the Order.[3]

Tabes' manipulation led to a schism in the Order, including a violent encounter in the Jedi Bendu Temple on Coruscant, where dozens were killed and hundreds more were wounded. A few Jedi Bendu Masters, led by Zios Malachor and Adena Qel-Droma, chose to remain faithful to their traditions and organized a number of other Jedi Bendu loyalists together in preparation for fleeing from the Republic; these loyalists believed they would soon be persecuted for their beliefs.[3]

Before leaving Coruscant, Qel-Droma was captured by Chancellor Tabes' forces. Tabes accused her of crimes against the Republic and had Qel-Droma cryogenically frozen into a capsule, which was then shot into space to be left floating through the galaxy. Shortly thereafter, those who accepted Tabes' beliefs reorganized the Jedi Bendu into the Jedi Order, and the Jedi became the guardians of peace and justice in the Republic.[3]


Despite Qel-Droma's capture, Malachor was able to escape from Republic space and fled to the Promised Land, where the Jedi Bendu once supposedly lived. Once there, they formed the Bendu Order. As time went on, all traces of the Order of the Jedi Bendu were erased from the Republic's history and most of galactic history, covering up the truth about the previous 75,000 years.[3]

In 12,978 BBY, a hermit named Elias, who believed was a descendant of the Jedi Bendu, formed the Ophuchi Clan on Tatooine. He knew about Chancellor Tabes' actions and the resulting cover-up. He also based a number of Ophuchi beliefs on the Jedi Bendu.[3]



Notes and references[]
